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Lighter Side of Computers Funny Real Estate Slogans

Become the most memorable agent in boondocks.

The average person knows 417 real estate agents.* We'll aid you lot become the ane they think of first.

* Made up fact. Probably not far off, though.

Just $49/mo. Cancel whatsoever time.

Just $29/mo. Cancel any fourth dimension.

Get the nigh memorable agent in town.

The average person knows 417 real estate agents.* We'll help you get the one they think of first.

* Made up fact. Probably non far off, though.

Just $49/mo. Cancel any fourth dimension.

We didn't invent top-of-mind marketing,
we perfected it.

We didn't invent top-of-mind marketing, we perfected it.

Here's how piece of cake information technology is to stand out in your sphere…

Here's how like shooting fish in a barrel it is to stand out in your sphere…

1. Select content you lot love

Mitt-pick from our stockpile of fresh, original content that's proven to keep you lot top-of-mind. From holidays to current events & trends (and every state of affairs in between), we'll proceed your prospects engaged and entertained. Permit our artistic team do the heavy lifting!

2. Add your branding

What's the fun in posting charming, clever content if Y'all can't bask in its glory as the "creator" of it?! Our simple click 'northward drag tool attaches your personal branding and so You lot get to steal the show on social media. Shhh… our underground!

iii. Share with your audition

Awesome content? Check. Your personal branding fastened? Bank check. All that's left is to share information technology with your social sphere and soak upwardly the lovin'. Short on time? No worries! You lot tin schedule content to publish days, weeks, or fifty-fifty months into the future.

Just $49/mo. Cancel any time.

Ever heard the phrase "content is male monarch"?

Well, become set up for the royal treatment.


Stay tiptop of mind while entertaining your audience with our viral-worthy memes


Expect like a thought leader by putting your name on insightful, original real estate manufactures


Bear witness up equally the consummate professional with customizable guides on multiple real estate topics


Pop up in their mailbox the right way with postcards that are never irksome or apathetic

Emails & letters

Engage your database with these expertly crafted (still fun & conversational) templates

Our Inner Circle

Exchange marketing ideas & referrals with agreeing agents in our exclusive Facebook grouping.

Ever heard the phrase "content is king"?

Well, get ready for the royal treatment.


Stay acme of heed while entertaining your audience with our viral-worthy memes


Wait similar a thought leader by putting your proper name on insightful, original real estate manufactures


Testify up as the complete professional person with customizable guides on multiple real manor topics


Pop up in their mailbox the right style with postcards that are never slow or apathetic

Emails & letters

Engage your database with these expertly crafted (nevertheless fun & conversational) templates

Our Inner Circle

Exchange marketing ideas & referrals with like-minded agents in our sectional Facebook group.

Ever heard the phrase "content is rex"?

Well, get ready for the royal handling.


Stay top of mind while entertaining your audience with our viral-worthy memes


Look similar a thought leader by putting your name on insightful, original real estate manufactures


Prove up every bit the complete professional person with customizable guides on multiple real estate topics


Pop up in their mailbox the right way with postcards that are never boring or blah

Emails & messages

Engage your database with these expertly crafted (yet fun) templates

Our Inner Circle

Exchange marketing ideas & referrals with similar-minded agents in our Facebook group

We help thousands of agents from top brands.

We assist thousands of agents from top brands.

Nosotros help thousands of agents from top brands.

Resources, support and grooming to ensure your success.

We succeed when yous succeed.

Accept smart responses ready for even the almost challenging questions from prospects.

Learn digital marketing methods, sales tactics, and more with our in-depth preparation videos.

Save on the products & services you already use and new ones you'd similar to try.

Resources, support and training to ensure your success.

Nosotros succeed when you succeed.

Agent scripts

Have smart responses prepare for even the most challenging questions from prospects.

Video training

Learn digital marketing methods, sales tactics, and more with our in-depth training videos.

Vendor deals

Save on the products & services you lot already use and new ones you'd like to endeavor.

Resources, support and training to ensure your success.

We succeed when you succeed.

Agent scripts

Take smart responses prepare for even the most challenging questions from prospects.

Video training

Learn digital marketing methods, sales tactics, and more with our in-depth training videos.

Vendor deals

Relieve on the products & services yous already use and new ones you'd like to try.

Love notes from happy members.

Ideas, memes and support

I am so grateful for the ideas, memes, and support from Lighter Side. I am a doer, with very piffling creativity. […] I love it when friends notice.


Memes make you expect good

Got a message from a guy I went to loftier schoolhouse with […] "Hey my cousin needs a Realtor & I gave her your info… If your list game is half equally good as your meme game, she'south in good easily." Nonetheless once again, Lighter Side makes me expect proficient. Thank you!!


Amazing social content

My broker praised my creative social media and how others "end her in the streets" and bring upward how I was killing it with my amazing social media content. Thanks!!


Memes work while yous work

I only got a phone telephone call from a afar cousin who wants me to sell his rental. He said he loves my marketing on Facebook and tin can't see using anyone else. […] New listing. From Family! I know you all sympathise how big this is! […] Go along posting – you lot never know who is watching!


People really like memes

Posting on social media works!! […] Met a prospective seller this evening and nosotros were talking about his firm once more and he said 'I really like what you lot mail and how it tells what yous're doing' etc. We have a meeting side by side week for me to see his house. […] My foot is in the door and I'll continue building that relationship. ???


Tons of engagement

I've gotten a TON of engagement over these memes!!


Increased interaction

I've been hither a whole three days and I have increased my interaction tenfold because of the branded memes. Kinda diggin' it! ????


Crazy for the money!

I take tried so many Facebook ads earlier and actually didn't go much response. So I did a meme boost for 4 days. Information technology is blowing up out there and it is starting to exist shared of course with my information on it! This is awesome. I tin't look to dig in and run into more of the marketing materials. For the money this is crazy!!!


Memes work!

Because of a meme provided by Ice, I'grand working on my side by side high-priced listing!


Build authority

Yes! Already posted two of them [articles]. I like being able to share this kind of stuff too. Balances the funny and lighter stuff.


Topics for every situation

Damn! I was only looking for an commodity on this and hither you go with your wizardry – Thanks a million! ✨?


I get all the praise

Just wanted to let you know that I am receiving the positive responses on the manufactures and memes that I postal service. It makes me feel guilty getting the praise for the content. Cheers once more for all of the great materials.


Get your name out there

But wanted to share that I picked up a listing referral today based on my "Best Real Estate Weblog" from Inner Circumvolve! Having your name out in that location in as many ways as possible actually pays off!


Articles that resonate

Simply wanted to pass forth a huge cheers for the new article "iii Reasons You Shouldn't Hire The Agent With The Most For Sale Signs In Town". This resonates with me and I desire to thank you!


Fantastic articles!

Mike Bell you and your team hitting information technology out of the park with the new manufactures… just read them and posted the one on hiring a buyer's agent… they are all fantastic!!! Thanks a bunch for everything!


Knowledge that delivers

Finally got around to posting my first ad using a booklet. WOW! What an unexpected response in the get-go week! 6,749 people reached. 50 shares. 500 link clicks and over 100 booklets delivered. Based on my interactions since receiving their booklet, looking at 7-10 potential listings!!


Perfect for generating leads

I am BEYOND Excited! Simply desire to let my colleagues know that the books work! I advertisied merely $100 for one calendar week and received 28 good leads. But 2 unsubscribed after getting my drip campaigns. Today, i replied that they beloved the book and it's very helpful because they are selling and want me to go visit the house! WooHoo! Go along doing what you are doing [Lighter Side]. Information technology works…


Set up yourself apart

Just used the Sellers handbook for the beginning time and this was the response, "I also wanted to let you lot know I read the paperwork y'all gave me. You are the first realtor to provide such information and it made me feel comfy about the sale." If yous are not using [booklets] yet, you need to be. It is very easy to tweak to your personality–mind you there is already lots of personality in it ?


Impress your prospects

Directly quote from a customer today while giving him an breezy listing presentation. (I had already emailed the Seller'southward Guide and today I brought him a hard copy) He said tapping his paw on the guide, "I read this and you really take your shit together" Thank you Lighter Side! ?


Sellers desire the knowledge

More props for the Ultimate Seller'due south Guide. I emailed mine to a potential seller last week. When I met her today in person, she asked, "Did yous bring a re-create of your seller's guide?" Not just did I bring information technology with me […] I got the listing AND my full commission. Thank you yet again!


Perfect for FSBOs

My FSBO booklets arrived, the printer did a great chore with a perfect spring! A few weeks agone, I printed and mailed i with a spiral bound for a FSBO listing in my neighborhood over $500K, the owner emailed me twice and wants to meet me.


Best bang for your buck

Thank you for your hard work and dedication and frankly the all-time client service out there! I so capeesh everything you guys do, and I can recollect of Nothing else that I pay for that provides such value for my business organisation. You guys rock! ????


Real results… FAST

This is the all-time FB real estate group I've been in so far. Later on simply a few days of being a member of the lighter side, I've already engaged more people on my social media and have gotten more leads than the last several months.


Best identify to learn and grow

I am a "newer" member and I merely wanted to say how much I love it! I've only been in real estate for a year, but I take learned so much more from this FB group than anywhere. ? Cheers anybody!


An astonishing referral source

I merely closed on my Third referral in the by 4.5 months!! This group has put just over $9,000 in my pocket and added $644,000 to my sales in that short time!!! And I have ONE MORE referral from here set to start looking adjacent month. You lot guys are AMAZING!


A must-have resource

For anyone cut costs, that'southward totally understandable… but whatsoever you lot exercise… DO NOT Cutting THIS RESOURCE!!! Information technology's far too valuable! Double down on all the ideas in this group and use all the resources from the website.


Members Beloved it hither

I REALLY bask this grouping! In addition to the crawly content, more sharing and corking ideas than any other RE group. Give thanks y'all to all of you lot!


Charm your neighbors

I sent out the "Hey Neighbour" postcard to my neighborhood. Received a call from someone a few blocks over, listed their dwelling house the same twenty-four hour period!


Cuteness overload

Got my first telephone call from i of these postcards! She thanked me for such a cute card… said they are just starting the process of selling.


Your cards make me smiling

Several of my neighbors take texted me a picture of my postcards and said, "you are so clever, I but love what y'all are doing". "This is and then fun! I tin can hardly wait for the next one!". "You are setting yourself apart from all the other Realtors who only brag about their sales and listings. I don't demand to hear how much money they are making. Your cards make me smiling, that's what I like!".


You only live once

Mike Bong- the YOLO carte du jour strikes again….only got a telephone call for an appointment for a $350K List!!! Thank you for all you practice!!!


Awesome humor

Received my Just sold and these colossal cards yesterday and walked one of my farms today… and 'because of my awesome sense of sense of humor' I did on the spot list presentations and volition be listing TWO houses very before long! Thanks for your 'Awesome sense of humour', Mike Bong!!


Lighter Side postcards piece of work

I sent the monkey "do y'all know what your neighbors did last night" postcard out to neighboring houses. One neighbor chosen me after 8pm on Saturday. Signed contract today. And today, another neighbor called. He wants to listing his lakefront with me. Thank you Mike and everyone at Lighter Side for making united states of america rockstar agents!


Snagged a list appointment

I started the expired series every bit mailers the first of this year and just got a listing appointment off of information technology!! ?


Remind folks you can aid

Happy Holler Days!!! Sent out the e-mail to all contacts and this guy pops out of the wood work looking to see a belongings. I oasis't talked to him in a twelvemonth. Hither's hoping information technology turns to a sale ?? Thanks Mike and squad!


Create positive responses

I sent out the "Happy What Days?" email template final night to several of my clients and immediately got positive comments from all of them. They all idea it was very clever and said they would "requite me a holler" later the holidays. Thank you!


Nothing ventured, nada gained

Used the expired letter of the alphabet template, sent out only lx letters. Just received a call today for a listing appt!!! He said "My wife and I liked your letter, sounds like you might be able to help us out. Tin can you come up today?" Why in the world exercise I wait so long to attempt things!!???


Templates for every state of affairs

I've been perusing the email E-mail and Letter Templates on ICE. If you lot haven't done so in a while, become spend a fiddling time seeing what all is in in that location! Just came across the Post-Closing serial. LOVE!! Mike Bell provides usa with So MUCH GREAT STUFF! Go dig around a while. ?


Stay current with your database

Cheers, Mike Bong, for providing the emails regarding the Coronavirus. […] I did tweek [one of] the emails […] and sent information technology to some of my clients. […] The response has been great. […] This was a bang-up tool to let them know [real estate is] pretty much "business as usual." And so again cheers for this and all you and your squad do.


Ever heard the phrase "content is male monarch"?

Well, get ready for the royal treatment.


Stay top of mind while entertaining your audience with our viral-worthy


Wait like a thought leader by putting your proper noun on insightful, original real estate articles


Show upwards as the consummate
professional with customizable guides
on multiple real estate topics


Pop upward in their mailbox the right
way with postcards that are never
deadening or blah

Emails & messages

Engage your database with these
expertly crafted (yet fun &
conversational) templates

Our Inner Circle

Substitution marketing ideas & referrals
with like-minded agents in our
exclusive Facebook group.

Lighter Side by the numbers...


Memes y'all can personalize


Articles y'all tin can personalize


Agents who've trusted us


Years perfecting our craft


Memes you can personalize


Articles you can personalize


Agents who've trusted us


Years perfecting our craft


Memes you lot can personalize


Articles you can personalize


Agents who've trusted united states


Years perfecting our craft
